May 15, 2023
My AskAI

My AskAI

Save hours of searching, with instant answers, from all your content

AI Prompt

Empower Your ChatGPT: Customize, Personalize, and Share Your AI Assistant with AskAI

Customize and personalize your own ChatGPT by adding your own unique content, and seamlessly integrate it onto your website or wherever else you may need it.

Easily upload PDF, CSV, Word, TXT files or URLs to enhance the knowledge base of your AI chatbot. With customizable responses and appearance, your AskAI will provide accurate and relevant answers to user inquiries.

No need to solely rely on your own content - with AskAI, you can ask any question and receive quick and reliable answers. Share your ChatGPT with others through a URL link, embed it onto your website, or use it through various integrations such as Slack or Zapier.

With AskAI, you'll be able to efficiently provide your users and colleagues with the answers they need, all while utilizing your own unique content.

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